Aviation Articles

Age 60 Rule - Where Is It Now?

Published: 01-05-2007
At the beginning of the 109th Congress, 4 Jan 2005, Rep. Jim Gibbons (R-NV) sponsored HR 65. HR 65 was then referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, chaired by Rep. Don Young (R-AK).

Professional Attitude

Published: 12-30-2006
A pilotes ability to perform their duties safely is directly related to how well they can put their personal worries aside, and perform the duties of a professional pilot.

Pilot E-Logbook

Published: 12-29-2006
Lots of options exist for pilots to keep track of their time flying planes, but *free* is always good.

Give Through Giving Circles

Published: 12-20-2006
A giving circle is a form of philanthropy headed by a group of people who want to take an active role in how their money supports a particular cause or issue. Circles vary in group size and structure,but members pool their donations to benefit their selected cause or issue.

The Last Nutrition Resolution

Published: 12-19-2006
Americans are spending more than $40 billion dollars on dieting and diet-related products, yet an astonishing 95 percent of dieters will regain the weight that they've lost within one to five years.

The Infamous Airline Interview

Published: 12-06-2006

I walked into the interview with a great deal of confidence and  enthusiasm. Flying airplanes was my one true passion in this life. This was my big chance to merge my occupation with my love. I would become an airline pilot.

"So you want to be an airline pilot?" the interviewer inquired.

"Yes, sir, more than anything else I have ever wanted," I replied,  realizing I sounded like an anxious adolescent.

Military Flight Time Conversion

Published: 12-02-2006
Use this Excel spreadsheet to help make flight time conversion easy.

Pre-Interview Checklist

Published: 12-02-2006
Use this PDF document to help guide you as your important interview date approaches.

Pilot Resume Mistakes to Avoid

Published: 10-31-2006
Avoid making these all too common mistakes on your pilot resume.

Pilot Pay Comparison

Published: 10-25-2006
This comparison looks at the hourly wage and monthly hours of service (time at work) between a typical 9 to 5 job and an Airline Pilot.

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