Aviation News

3 News Bits Show Pilots in High Demand

Published: 06-12-2022
Commercial airline pilots are in high demand. Summer travel is putting stress on carriers to hire and keep up with demand.

What is the “Flightmare” for Memorial Day and Beyond?

Published: 05-30-2022
Will a Flightmare afflict summer travel for aviation?

Made In China: Is the C919 Ready for Primetime?

Published: 05-22-2022
Is China's new C919 competitor to the Boeing 737 and the Airbus A320?

Biden Continues Push for Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Published: 04-25-2022
The Biden Administration makes a big push for sustainable aviation fuel. Will it change aviation?

Is the Airline Industry Ready for a Summer Travel Boom?

Published: 04-18-2022
Summer is coming. Are airlines ready?

Women in Aviation Advisory Board Makes Recommendations to Congress

Published: 03-28-2022
What is the Women in Aviation Advisory Board and what do they recommend?

Will Fuel Costs Accelerate the Push for Sustainable Aviation Fuel?

Published: 03-21-2022
How will rising fuel costs affect aviation and the future of aircraft?

“Downfall” - New Film Criticizes Boeing for the 737 Max Disasters

Published: 02-28-2022
A new documentary explores how Boeing put profits above lives in "Downfall". Have you seen it?

State of Aviation: New Survey Results for Commercial Pilots

Published: 02-22-2022
How do commercial airline pilots feel about the career? A new survey reveals.

Southwest Resumes Serving Alcoholic Beverages on Flights

Published: 02-14-2022
Should the booze start flowing on flights once again?

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